Testing with MTM and Team Foundation Service

Some of you saw that I was also on stage for Pieter his session on MTM and Team Foundation Service. I helped Pieter with creating a Windows 8 application so that we could show the workflow from setting up a story to fixing bugs and deploying the app on a surface.

If you missed it, no worries here are the slides. Have to say that the demo part was quite long and probably more interesting.


Building & Testing Win8 app with Team Foundation Services and Microsoft Test Manager 2012

Our Techdays 2013 session is online.

As a reminder, here is the abstract of the session:

Visual Studio 2012 offers you all the required dev tools to build nice looking Windows 8 Applications, but together with the Application Lifecycle Management tools in Team Foundation Server 2012, you can now also easily setup a distributed team development environment with version control, work item management, build automation and test case management. In this session, you will get a quickstart to develop a Windows 8 app, making use of Team Foundation Service (in the cloud). We will also demo the advanced testing features in Microsoft Test Manager 2012 to run Exploratory Tests on Windows 8 applications to detect potential bugs and to capture rich visual debugging information for the development team.

The video can be viewed on channel 9: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechDays/Belgium-2013/11


Use HTML5 to build what you want, where you want it

For all those students who want to download the presentation I gave at the techdays, find them on slideshare:

I had a great time, and I hope that I could inspire you to create awesome windows 8 applications using your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills.

I also found some pictures that a few of my colleagues took during the session for those who want to have an impression of how it was:

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If you also have image sabout the session, please mail them.


Building & Testing a Windows 8 App, making use of Team Foundation Service and Microsoft Test Manager 2012

Hi there,

The slides Pieter and I used in our techdays presentation can be viewed on slideshare:

Hope your enjoyed the session, even when my voice was working to well

Every Web Developer is a Win8 developer presentation on MultiMania

First of all, I had a great time on MultiMania and met a lot of great people over there. People from different worlds. Every day I work mainly in a Microsoft world, developing websites with ASP.NET MVC but I’m also busy in HTML5, CSS3 and the combination is something that I love.

But on MultiMania I had the chance to talk to Adobe people, Game creators, … Some talks were inspirational, other ones were technical and that what it’s all about isn’t it!

On MultiManie Dieter and I gave a presentation on Win8 development and how you can use your existing web skills to build Metro applications.

In case you’ve missed it, here are the slides: http://www.slideshare.net/kevinderudder/every-web-developer-is-a-win8-developer

Building metro style apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

On 21 and 22 of may multi-mania takes place in Kortrijk. Like every year you will be able to follow various of workshops on day 1 and a number of sessions on day 2.

Now, hang on, the best part of it all is: IT’S FREE, NADA, NOTHING, so you don’t have any excuse to stay away.

On day 1: I will be your host together with Dieter De Preester and Frederik Duchi on building metro style applications with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

Learn how you can use your web skills to build Windows 8 Metro style apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. In this session you’ll discover how to harness the rich capabilities of Windows 8 through JavaScript and the Windows Runtime.

You will learn about navigation, user experience patterns and controls and the seamless integration with the operating system that will let you create great Metro style apps.

On day 2: Dieter and I will show you that every Web Developer is a Win 8 Developer

HTML5 is a first class citizen inside the windows 8 eco system. In this session you will learn how to create windows 8 metro style applications using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3.

Off course, you’ll have a bunch of other sessions where you can take a look at. If you are interested in more win 8, join Katrien De Graeve and meet her at the metro.

Metro is the name of the Design Language for applications in Windows 8. Join us for a ride on the key principles behind Metro Design, the inspiration and some great examples as we move into the future with Windows 8 Metro Style Apps.

If you want to see the other sessions or you want to register, visit the multi-mania site

So I, or we really hope to see you there during the sessions or afterwards at the bar.